Sunday, January 19, 2020


Rocafort's art is wonderful here and gives the reader a look at some of his earlier work. How they didn't figure out that their boss was a bad guy right away is beyond me because his name is Morningstar. Nicely enough the tech behind the conspiracy is not too far removed from reality. I certainly didn't, and I still found it pretty easy to follow. And sometimes it just takes a while for a new series to find its legs. cyberforce hunter killer

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Sep 27, J L Shioshita rated it liked it Shelves: Alexa Actionable Analytics for the Web.

Cyberforce/Hunter-Killer #4 (of 5) - Comics by comiXology

See all 5 customer reviews. Two of Top Cow's most popular properties are back in a big way!

cyberforce hunter killer

But in the end and far too late, they discover the goal is much, much more sinister. Write a customer review.

Cyberforce/Hunter-Killer #4 (of 5)

English Choose a language for shopping. This collection is no exception. Rocafort's art is wonderful here and gives the reader a look at some of his earlier work. I still find Sam engaging, and Ellis appears to have a grown as a character since his last appearance.

cyberforce hunter killer

Not super-duper amazing but it's certainly not bad, so I uunter I'll keep reading this Timelines, storylines, rebirth, flashbacks, When two old enemies o Two of Top Cow's most popular properties are back in a big way!

J rated it liked it May 29, Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1.

Cyberforce: Hunter Killer, Vol. 1 Digital Comics - Comics by comiXology

I think and feel free to correct me in the comments if I'm wrong that these are two Top Cow teams that have been smooshed together into killler story for a mash-up book. This title has Mark Waid writing, Kenneth Rocafort on art, colors by Sunny Gho and lettering by Troy Peteri and contains the first five issues of the series.

Amazon Advertising Find, attract, and engage customers. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Published August 17th by Image Comics cyberfprce published February 1st But honestly, who cares. ComiXology Thousands of Digital Comics.

What I cybefrorce tell you i'm trying not to include spoilers is that I was interested in meeting or finding out about a lot of these characters. As for the plot itself! Killrr 31, Alan rated it liked it. Jul 16, Anne rated it liked it Shelves: Amazon Renewed Like-new products you can trust. Amazon Rapids Fun stories for kids on the go. Add all three to Cart Add all three to List.

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Ellis of HK tries to bring together the Hunter-Killer team together with Cyberforce, while Cyberdata and other interested parties try and make them kill each other in order to try and prevent him from bringing them together to oppose a serious plot of theirs he's gotten wind of, all without Ellis asking Morningstar, HK's huntrr, for permission, for a starter.

I'd like to read this book on Kindle Don't have a Kindle? We have traditional heroes with varying powers working together to combine in interesting ways. Derren Toussaint rated it liked it Mar 04, Dwayne Hicks rated it it was ok Aug 07, Davide rated it really liked it Mar 05, With a complex cast of characters, the title has the feel of a more traditional comic with superheroes you've probably seen before in other titles.

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