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June 12, at 4: I yesterday installed El Capitan Public beta and could see that it was an earlier release. You don't have JavaScript enabled. Please turn JavaScript back on and reload this page. You can not post a blank message. When the computer restarts just shutdown again before the Set up Assistant gets into its stride and then restart to your normal partition. Enter your email address below:. 15a178w

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I found out that the download of El Capitan is the first beta release. Registered Apple developers will also find iOS 9 beta 1 available to download at the 15a17w center website.

Why did i get 15Aw instead of the 15Ag bu |Apple Developer Forums

You can not post a blank message. Please type your message and try again. OS X El Capitan is the next version of Mac system software, focusing on performance improvements and feature enhancements, and will be released to the general public this fall as a free download. June 12, at 4: Please turn JavaScript back on and reload this page. June 11, at 5: June 8, at So now i am on latest developer beta release. The OS X June 8, at 6: As usual with installing beta software, be sure to back up the Mac beforehand, and ideally, run the beta system software on secondary hardware or at least a separate partition.

Where did you find the correct version 15a1788w. Enter your email address below: There is a bug that prevents the existing user account to search and find 1a5178w beta 2 and beta 3 updates.


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OS X El Capitan Developer Beta 1 Available to Download for Mac Devs

How come i got such an early build instead of the latest one? I then logged in with my 15a178q account and clicked to download the But of course all these bugs will be fixed in October when we can all run this. Reproduction without explicit permission is prohibited.


You can review our privacy policy for additional information. Leave a Reply Click here to cancel reply. After installation, i can see that it is presented as 15Aw instead of the mentioned 15Ag.

This tool uses JavaScript and much of it will not work correctly without it enabled. Please enter a title.

I Accept Privacy Policy. If your looking for the how to on making 15178w bootable Also, searching for updates does not reveal any updates. When the computer restarts just shutdown again before the Set up Assistant gets into its stride and then restart to your normal partition. This website and third-party tools use cookies for functional, analytical, and advertising purposes.

OS X El Capitan

Mac - MacOS Mojave My dilemma now is how i should proceed. So all i had to do was to create a second account, find the updates and update to beta 2 and then beta 3. June 9, at 8:

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